The Labour Principles A Guide for Business

Filed under by Ali Bharchoondi on 11:44 AM

The Labour Principles A Guide for Business
International Labour Organization
The labour principles of the UN Global Compact may be among the most
specifc of the initiative’s ten principles, but that does not mean that they are
the easiest to implement.  Many companies face diffculties in knowing what
is expected of them and what more can be done to uphold these principles.
There is thus much scope for learning, dialogue and collective action,
including partnerships, as ways to complement other approaches aimed at
bringing about responsible labour practices. This is the contribution that the
UN Global Compact seeks to make. Today, the UN Global Compact is the
largest corporate citizenship initiative with over 6,000 business participants
and other stakeholders involved in more than 130 countries.
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The Labour Principles a Guide for Business


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